Orlando Evening Star from Orlando, Florida (2024)

REPORTER -STAR Mostly ftlr tonight and Saturday, VOLUME NO. 45. ORLANDO, FLO 111 DA FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 24, 1929. PHONE 4161 NUMBER 4680. HOUSE PASSES FLY APPROPRIATION BILL POLIfiE STILL Avoid.Hazr.,Drowii I OH(WdO PtCtWe tO Yowell Says Trip Will Be Big Benefit to Boys SHIPMENTOF NON-CITRUS End Shozoitig Today KING-PARRISH MEASURE WINS BY BIG0TE.

$500,000 1 Allowed to FighC Invasion of the Fruit Ply. MRS. FULLER IS ACTIYE NVii.l Hi; Last Opportunity of Local People to Si lIo.MK Talent on THE SCKEEN. oi- Stork Si-i-s Chi-at An-vniTisiNt; Stunt ioh City in tin- Trip. laBCi Stumped over i AYRES' DEATH Conflicting Theories Advanced in Regard to Shooting.

RUNNING DOWN CLUES Police Press Search for Man Seen to Fntcr Car in Town. TAMI'A, May 24 Law enforcement authorities here today Kil ported two I'h ii'Ip n-i to tin1 cviise of death bi NhiHitlnif yester-day of Elliott Ayrcs. 4 retired nil-nfuetiin uml wilier of Si. Petersburg nml Indianapolis, I mllai.a body wild hull, through the bf it rt was 'omul In hit automobile Mtundlii the pd.it hlrhway JjHt north of Iiti. JST M.

ll.itt'ii, held fo the ill. il i Mil committed or ii iu'cr Tho official Hi lii St i turB this mnrcliip lo tfac a 'landling found in the i ili.lnii"; .1 bloodstain-nl paper t- ii k. search for .1 111.111 f-'cii in i Avrr' rnr 111 l.i' I' It I or al red at Clci.e Range Aullmritii who supported the unhide theory o.iiti'd id powder Mains on the line's tilt lit, Indienl- inp Hi'- fatal shot had I fired at clone range, and 1 volvcr hold a I'll of the. same sle Ih.it aused deatli, In the seal lie the body. There wax no evldeiiee thai tile man's clothing had lieen ticarclud, It was said Finding of tw.i -111 't cartridges iiltsldo the aiitonioliile; the 1 ft Hint 1 hi birgii.

apiarrnily hud 1 been cxpbied the disappear-j f.ilo of tin patsiii 'it were piven 111 basis for the murder theory. Dcrriplion of tin inlsslni man wn. nent to neluhhnrlt.s Half. Await Prcbe Results A coroners' Jtity called last night, recessed until officers completed jj-a luohe. A A es in the Hon of the late Tiiiko A.

('. Ayrcs, of Indiiniipulia. reputed to have left a substantial flirt una 11 1 his dentil. He was survived by 10 brothers, and a Ulster, all of Indianapolis, owners of 11 large department Htore In tile Indiana capital. He left hlu home 111 SI.

Petersburg yesterday morning apparently In be pone for the miminer. THREE KILLED WHEN BURGLAR IS SURPRISED 'Aged Attorney and Detective Shot by Negro Ikforc Another Man Slays Robber. ST. F1.1.. May 21 "-(I')- Herman Merrill, Sil year-old uestci of the 1'inellai county har.

a detective and a negro burglar yrro killed in a cn hnttln carlv here today, when Merrill surprised the robber as he was pilfering the attorney's honu Detective Wayne Harry and Mr. Merrill were victims of 1 lie negro's-'nun, while the nemo killed by 1)! it-ctlvo Patrick, who hid been near the Merrill Irmie I Ihev hoard the shot which mnicilly wounded the used attorney. Mr. died In a hospital shortly after the shaiting. lloniing a noise, Mr.

Merrill se cured his revi lver and, without awalicnitiK his wife, went In in vcittigate. The maraud: had the advnntapo. however, and fired up on the householder before he had a clianee to use bis own run. Cruising In their car n- the detectives heard the shooting ml rami to the scene. As the negro fled they pa' eliu'e and he turned firing a bullet through Patrick fired three slu*ts Into the robber' body and he crumpled, dead.

Mr. Merrill, a native of Cincinnati, was the sou of Dr. William S. Merrill, founder of a famous Cincinnati drip -onotrn. lie can to St.

IVtersburg In P'u7 tj make bis permanent heme, and still was active In professional and civic fairs. Mrs. Merrill Is a prominent riubwomnn of the state. lleteetlvo Harry came here from I.yiiiliinvUle, N. Y.

He was 30 years old, a World war veteran and 4 con-hlered one of the ni 'st proficient memlKTs of the pnlli det-c-tlve force, lie Is survived by his jLldow and four small children. V' Tho iiepro, 111 unidentified, wi Xhfllpved to have coma here from Tampa, as his Jint band bore the trade name c.f a Tampi firm. ROEBERS GET 580,000 OKLAHOMA CITY, May 24 Hi iibers held up a messenpe for tho American Kirst National Hank on a downtown corner today and c3iMP''d with approximately IS0.000. The messenger had Just left the federal reserve bank. 1 TRIES SUICIDE AFTER KILLING HER CHILDREN Mother Cuts Her Own Throat After Taking Lives of Three.

WORRIED OYER FINANCES Near Point of Death, Woman Directs Men to I.KHAN'ON, May 21 children were found dead near Hyder cemetery here today near where their mother, Mrs. Mamlo Shey Shoaf, lay with her throat hlashed Coroner Marlon itilKsell said lie believed I he woman killed her children and commit-cil suicide. She (lied shortly after 1 he was found. The throats of the children hail been cut and apparently they had been dead several hours when they were, found. Two nepro boys (lis- tin- mother about A.

M. She had wrapped herself 111 a tarpaulin that had been used tn cover a monument. Mrs. Shoaf had been despondent over financial trouble, her family said. 1 She pointed vapuely toward a Held near the cemetery and searchers who followed the direction plv-111 came upon the children.

They were Tom Shoaf, aped two; Ilia l.ouise, seven and Catherine, el. vi n. Mrs. Shoaf is (lie wife of Carey Shoaf. employe of a lumber company here ami they have four other children raiiplnp In ape from 12 lo IT.

Members of her family said that worrylnp over financial troubles yesterday she had so 11 that she would noi "(to tlirouph another day like Mrs. Slioaf had cut her own throat w-llh a razor after havinp used It to kill the children. The family came hero from I.ex-iapton, Ind 11 years 11 po. ORLANDO CAR STRUCK ON STREET IN SANFORD Five Orlando Men Eecape Without Injury When Hit by Car at Street Interteetion. An accident that mlpht have recalled In serious Injury occurred last nlpht when Judpe I).

A. Cheney, Cily Clerk J. Arthur Stinsun. lark liryan. W.

M. dlenii, ibllsli-er of Ihe Orlando Mornlr; Sentinel, and Hr. returnliip from Wilbur hy Ihe-Sea, were struck at the intersection of French avenue in Sanford. near the city limits, by a car driven by a nepro approach inp from the left. The large Packard In which Ihe live Crlnndo men were rldinp.

driven by Judpe Cheney, was struck on the left rear side and turned over several times hef' re stoppinp. Tho fact that no one was injured was considered very rcmarktthle, as the car turned over several times and when it slopped Ihe doors were so jammed that the occupants crawled out tlirouph the windows, where all the plass had been shattered by the Impact. Tho steel body oT the car was considered a (treat factor In averting serious injury. The accident ocourrt 1 at 1(1 o'clock and occupants of the dam-aped car were broupht on to Orlando by other ears. Participants In the accident said Ibis mnrninp that Judpe Cheney slowed down for tho slre' inter section and had reached the halfway irk of the Intersection when the other car, coming rapidly, struck the Packard on the left rear side.

No one received m' re than minor bruises. EXPOSES DRUG TRAFFIC Rubers Said to Have Given Doctor Valuable Information i About Conditions in Hollywood. HAN HKItNAIiIMNO, 'Oil May 2 1. A. M.

Mon.oy, federal narcotic apent, said after questioning Alma Itiibens In a Patton where the former film actress is confined as a narcotic addict. she had piveu him Information concerning the drug traffic in Hollywood. Mon.oy refused to reveal details of the conversation, but sserted Miss Iteubeiis made admissions which would he of material aid In an investigation of conditions In the film capital. Miss Reubens recently was sent to Patton for violation of her parole from the State Narcotic Hospital at Spadra, Cal. BANKER KILLS SELF NEW YOU May 2i.A) Louis I.evls.'n, a banker, shot and killed himself last night or early today in a wash room of the American Architects building at 70 West 40th street, where he had his of-flics.

His body was found by a porter, lyin; on a couch covei spread on the floor and with the head on a pillow. JEWELER OF ATLANTA IN QUEER SUICIDE Martin May in Car in Which I lose Is Connected with Kxhaust. IN CANDLER ESTATE Sheriff Says Papers Stuffed in Cracks Indicate Suicide Clearly. DF.CATI'R. May 2l-(yPl-Thn body of Martin Mav.

57. weal thy and prominent Jeweler of At lanta, was totinil in an auiomouiie parked ill Ihe Waller Candler estate near here today. A flexible hose attached lo Ihe exhaust pipe Indicated deatli by asphyxiation from carbon monoxide fumes. Sheriff Jake Hall of DcKalh county said newspapers had been stuffed around the oponinps In doors of Ihe expensive tar indicating to him an "apparently carefully planned suicide The officer called on ('apt. J.

Wright of the Atlanta police Identification bureau, however, lo photograph fingerprints in and on the nun mobile to determine If foul play could have been possible. Leaves Party Early May was president of May druthers. I in-, and left his Atlanta home during a bridge party early last nlpht with the explanation that he had lo po to Decatur. Atlanln suburb, to "close big business deal." lie never returned. He had been in ill health for three years, but in recent months apparently his condition had been improving.

The body was found by Dave Honney, an employe on ihe Candler estale, and physicians said May had been dead for several hours. W. H. Crlpps. a nearby resident, told Sheriff Hall that he heard someone drive an automobile throuph the Candler gale hilly after P.

last night. Machine Motor Still Running At 10 P. the machine was stationary and wlihout lights, although the motor was still running. John (irlinni, another employe on the Candler estate said ho passed the automobile at 430 A. today and the motor was still running.

Walter Candler, ow ner of the estate, is the son of the late Asa Candler, who built the famous Candler fortune. PARK CONCERT TONIGHT Recreation Department Presents First of Weekly Conccr' Over City Amplifiers at 8 o'Clock. The first regular weekly concert in Kola Park over city amplifiers will be given tonight at ti o'clock under auspices of Ihe reeillnn department and the city eicitrlcal department. Amplifiers have been Installed and an excellent program of solos bv John Rodda, tenor, accompanied by Mrs. Arthur Heck, will be Interspersed with selected Vlctrola seeords selected this morning by I).

A. Cheney from the stock of S. Ernest Phllpitt and Son. The complete program Is as follow 1. (irand, March from Verdi Creature's Hand 2.

Hlue Danube Waltz. Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra 3- Tenor Solo -For You (iechl Just a Woaryln' for You Carrie Jacobs Hond John Rodda 4. "Orlenlale" Fox Trot Whitman -drupe Paul Whitemnn's Orchestra 5. Orsan Solo "In a Persian Market" Ketelney Reginald Foort 6. Tenor Solo Cray IJays Johnson Little Hlue Hird of My Heart (Jrey John Rodda 7.

Violin Solo "Medllallon" from "Thais" Massenet Fritz Kreisler 8. "El Capltan March" Sousa Sousa's Hand The publir is cordially invited to I Vrl.lnv I night. Test of Green Fruit Law Starts Today PARTOW, May 21 lP First of five trials for violation of the Florida statutes against shipment of immature citrus fruit was to begin here today wit'' J. I A. Hendry, Arcadia, former state fruit inspector, facing a jury on a charge of accepting a bribe to pass green fruit.

Three other trials were scheduled for next week Cenrgc Williams, manager of the Winter Haven Citrus Association, on May 21; Lat Frostproof citrus operator, and C. A. Stewart, his r-cldng house manager, on Thursday, May 30. The firth man under Indictment is (i. L.

Fox, Tallahassee, another i former state inspector, ll'i rase was postponed untilthe next term jot court, IS EXTENDED Can lie Shipped From Protective Zone of Florida to June 15. SHIP GRAPES TO JUNE 30 Permits May Be Secured for Other Interstate Shipments. Time for the hlpmotit of non citrus fruits a.l i ho- veretables from proieiiivc zones of Florida was xtended las. (''it from June to I'ltic is, ii or In Issued by lr. f.

I. Marin if the federal quarantine and ud-oilnlstnilon In Washington. The shipping rca-oi, on praprs from the protective tones was extended in Jane 3d. The order al-io Fl i-eil that per mils lie Issued for the Inter-Hate .1 ovemi-ni. if 1-nnanas.

avocados er oilier fruits and vegetables entering the I'lilted Slates through Florida ports provided certain (piuraiitlne rules and cafe guard precautions were observed. Shippers must adhere to any safeguard rules as the Inspectors may deem necessary for the prevention of tile spread of the Mediterranean C.M of the order reads; Permits may bo Issued for the interstate movement of bananas, avocadocs or other fruits and for any vepelnl le entering the I'nited State sthroiigh Florida ports under the provisions of quarantine 56 or other quarantines), restricting t)ie entry of frult.i and vegetables into the I'lilted Ctates respect to the rules and reaulatiors under quarantine 68 and amendments thereto on account of (ho Mediterranean fruit liy conditioned upon the ohsinance of such safeguards rn the pirt of tiie shipper as may be requveii by the inspector to elimliit-i risk of spreading tho Vesillerraiiean Iruit fly. Administration Instructions PO.CA 131 approved by secretary and et-fectiv) today extend period shipment, i non-citrus fruits and host if gf tables from protective sones 111 Florida to June 15. Shipping sec-son of grapes from same zone extended In June 30. CLUB AS FACTOR IN BUSINESS DISCUSSED Leigh Newell Takes Readjustment of Government to Organization as Theme for Address.

Readjustment of government to rrginization and tho civic club as a factor in business el hies were discussed liy Leigh Newell, chairman of the Kiwanls education com mittee. In a talk In fore the club al the luncheon today. Among the phases of changed business conditions ho lunched on was tho fact that one out of every 17 persons in tho I'nited Slates Is now either directly or Indirectly dependent upon tho povcninn Jit for support. While this work could not be classified as non productive, It does come under tho head of administrative work, and it lilhrou.i the labor of Ihe other 16 that he is engaged in this type i work. One of the chief changes Is in the home, which used to be the ronrce of religious training and Instruction In conduct.

The responsibilities 1 lint once belonged prop erly to (he hom*o have gradually been assumed by the church and school. Mr. Newell outlined the functions of civic clubs In the readjustment which must be made to the new trend of organization which governs not only business methods but dally life. Among the guests of the dub were Judpe. McKean, C.

C. Sexton, both of Orlando, A. F. Camp, of (laliiesville, and F. 1).

Wood, of Kustis. Judge McKean made a brief talk to the club iu which he complimented the city on tho work of the Reporter-Star Newsboys' -d and the advertising valuo of tho proposed trip to Washington. BOARD MERGER PROPOSED BY REFORMED CHURCH Union of Reformed Church With United Brethren Church Favored in Report. 1NIDIANAPOLIS, May 24 -(P) A proposal to merge the board of publications and Sunday schools ith the board of Christian education was before delegates to Ihe synod meeting of Ihe Reformed Church of the United States here today. A challenge to the church to "carry on Its own work of religious cduactlon effectively or turn It over to the public school system" exists, according to the report of the board of publications and Sunday schools.

Union of the Reformed Church with the United Brethren Church and the Evangelical Synod of North America also was favored in the report. A report of the special committee favoring equal rights for women In the church was adopted at Thursday's session. Today's showing of "Orlando's Hero," tho local moving picture comedy, at the Heacham tbeater the last opportunity tor theater-poors to see this Interesting film directed by Don Newland with an all powerful cast cf local actors. The film Is pure comedy, eicel-lent in some features with views of busy spots In Orlando and interesting points In the county shown to good advantage. Some of the actors show iinte a comprehensive ability and get-up of the 1 film is pood.

Interior views taken of Ihe Heacham theater audiences during tho filming of the picture will be the particular Interest, as ill he the surging crowds 'at the taking of the automobile wreck at tho corner of Wall street and Or-nnpe avenue and the Interior views of the Reporter-Star plant. Other scenes along some of the main thoroughfares of the city will find many persons capable being recog nized by themselves and their friends. It is an odd experience for Orlando people to he able to pick themselves out of a moving picture film. The film Is shown under auspices of the Reporter-Star Just for the privilege of showing people what the city looks like In moving pic tures and how creditably a local cast with a minimum of experience and notice can produce such good results. That the film causes much merriment Is attested by the iniineriiiis outbursts of applause throuphoiit Its presentation.

The sttendance at the Heacham In the last two days lias broken all previous records. Nobody, not even the actors themselves, claimed to bo tho most highly press agented actors who ever trod the bright way of tho silver sheet. Hut the girls are mighty good looking, the men do their parts well, even the animals that are in the film come across with considerable class. The public will notice how beautifully Orlando shows Itself In movies. There are some striking looking persons iu this film, some funny enough to make one's sldis crack the moment they break into view, some tragically Inclined at the most absurd moments, some sneaking ever a smile when a frown ii Intended, some putting much skill Into their parts.

For instance, II. Carl Dunn's facial contortions are clever, Marlon (loggan' boldness Is a scream; Robert Howard's nonchalant air is hot stuff, and Ixila Franklin is as fascinating and pret ty as any screen Btar dares to he; Virginia Crenshaw's cleverness and personality will win you, while Mrs. A. P. Phillips, makes an "ideal wife," and the Utile kiddles are the sail of the earth.

One ci old expostulate and pes-tlculato on this production for ages mid apes from all kinds of anples, but the film ends today and the necessity likewise closes. See the film today not with any view of belnp hypercritical, but Just to have a Jolly pond tlma looking at familiar scenes and (aces and getting a kick out cf the proximity of everything. It does not do to like things from a great distance all the time, (let a close-up once in a while and pet out of the rut of thinking that for anything to lie interesting it must come from a stranger or from a long distance. Some of the best things in life arc rlpht at hand or ought to be. Woman Slayer of Priest Found Sane CANTON, May 24 (Pi-Mrs.

Maeme Ciien ierl, 27, who shot and killed Rev. Father Joseph Ricardl, pastor of St. Anthony' Catholic church, several weeks ago, was found sane and ordered released, following a sanity hearing in probate court here today. Tried on a charge of first do-greo murder. Mrs.

Ouerrlcri was found not guilty In common pleas court on the sole ground of Insanity. Ask Legion Members to A. R. Services Members of Orlando Memorial P' st 111, American Legion, have been invited to attend the memorial services of the Grand Army of the Republic to be held at the First Methodist church, corner South Main and Fast Jackson streets, Sunday morning. Seats will be reserved for the Leplonnnires.

Services will start at 11 o'clock. ESTABLISH FELLOWSHIP SCKNFCTADY, N. May 24 (P) Kstahlishment of an "Kdison Fellowship for commemorating the 5tith anniversary if the Invention of the Incandescent lamp by Thomas A. Edison, was announced by the Oeneral Electric Company today. The object is to aid in determining the fitness of candidates for research In the company's laboratory- A grant of accompanies the fellowship.

EDINBURGH, Scotland. May 24. The Church of Scotland and the United Free Church of Scotland at their respective assemblies today agreed by overwhelming majorities to unite. The formal act of union will take place tn October, N. P.

Yowell, president of the Yowell Drew Co today praised the Idea of the Reporter-Star Hoy' Hand pilgrimage nt said Ihe trip would not only solve im a ureal puui liy iisicl for Orlando but also an edii.olloi for if." boys Ives. "Tim spleudl'l uslcal orpanlza Hon which the ivi porter-Star has given tho city of Orlando Is a com- tllelldll loll of the Cy Ileutlflll wherever It said Mr. Vowe l. "The leiiu ikably tint music ice buys will produce, iu different ciCis ill iiiuse ii. i auditors the profe of the boy is.

claps, ami Isu to member that these nr. boys Orlando "As a ben lit to the i) themselves, ihe trip will ho one that oi-I'll boy will i 'i. iiber a-i long as be lives. The rl iso asaioi iatiou with places of historical significance aiiad Ihu privilege of meet lug men and women who are making the w. rid contemporary history will have an educational worth for cadi the value of which ratlin.

lie cilliialed" MOTOR BUS MILLAGETAX IS UP AGAIN Argument Revived in the Senate Over Changes Made by the I louse. TALLAHASSEE, May 2t. -(VP) Argument over tho hill plac ing a mileage tux on minor imsos and trucks was it. iii-il in i iiu ate today, as the measure was returned from the house with certain changes from the form in lilt It hjd prevliusly passed the The hMi amended the bill to reduce the proposed one to three rents mileage tax so that tho tax would not exceed one cent for buses or two cents for trucks. Senitor Turnhull.

Moniieello, sponsor of the hill, urged that the senate concur In the house amendment. Hn declared Hint tic pro visions calling for tho levies were of confiscatory nature, and would tend to put the motor transportation lines out of business. After some debit the senate adopted the house amendment by acclamnt ion. Twenty new bills wore Intro dueed today. Most of them were local, and a number were passed under waived rules.

The principal measure approved would permit redemption of all plaited lots 111 the Everglades drnlnipo district on an acreage basis. Senator Young. Vcne Head) was author of the bill. Senator Wapp. Palm Reach, offered bill providing for filing of suits In equity to quiet title lo real estate held under lax deed.

Retirement on half pay of circuit Judges with 2.1 years' service, who have reached the ape of 70, would he nulhorizeil III a measure by Senator Dell, (laliiesville. Tim joint legislative citrus com-mllteo Introduced two bills, making It a misdemeanor to Impersonate any olfioial of the slal" plant board, or to evadn quarantine inspection ou itale highways. Tho Semite also ndopled a resolution by Senator Turnhull, Monti- cello, providing thai th" body will held daily sessions from If to 1 o'eli and 3 to Ii o'clock, and with majority consent, nlpht sessions from to 10 o'clock, during the final week of the legislal 'ire of boure messages occupied a large part of the session this morning. Curtis to Speak at A itditoriuni Opening WASHINGTON, May 24 -(P) -Vice President Curtis will deliver his first -ddreKsj since eiering his new office at the opening of the new -udltorium In Atlantic City on May 31. Pecause of hl.s determination to be on the Job here, the vice president has declined other speaking engagements, but he has under "I visem*nt some Invitations for Ih" prospective summer recess.

Faces Court for Firing on Officer TAMPA, May L. Hrubaker, L' go, arrested some days ago for firing on a i unity guard searching cars for Infested citrus fruit, was facing a charge of assault with Intent to murder here today. Tho shooting occurred when Hrubaker escaped from the officer en route to jail here. Jumping from bis machine after several quarts of liquor was" said to have been found in It, I.j led the officer through the underbrush for a mile, taking se eral shots at the pursuer. Hrubaker then circled back to h's machine und escaped, leaving (he i officer in the middle of the road.

I Leads Champions of tho Measure in the I louse-in Debate. TALLAHASSEE. Fla. May 24, Tho house passed 64 to 2 the. sennto Klug-Piirrlsh ap' proprlallon bill for repelling tho Invasion of the Mediterranean fruit fly at lis morning session, to day The bill was reported favorably yesterday by a unanimous report oC tin.

house appropriation committee, and was taken up unanimously to day iiMin receipt of a telogranV from Mrs. Ituih Hryan Owen, member of congress Hint state action, was thought necessary for passage of the $4.2511,1100 relief bill by COIl-presH. i Debate for an Hour Members of the house debated fur an hour over the proposed appropriation, basing their arguments on the met hods of enforcement niiher than on the question of the appropriation. Representative Kntzmlnger, Seminole county, one of two who voted against the hill, deplored the methods iu enforcing of the quarantine and preventive methods In the cen trnl part of the slate. Entzmlngef declared that "ozarlst" method were belnp employed by federal? forces.

Ills remarks vere further eil by Representative Mathews. Duval, who declared that iaw violation of the bill of rights In the methods of enforcing the quarantine. Mrs. Fuller Leads Mrs. Edna Fuller, Oranga couuly, led tho champions of th (h.

i Ion of the fruit fly ws mo great- est affliction- ever to conto to the state. She was supported by Rep tentative Unci" Heiiilnol'' Tilative Fuif Volusilf Representative Uiwis, (iulf. Th latter Is chairman of the appropriations committee. Lewis compared the discussion tn the fiphl several years ago upon adoption of tick eradication legislation, but cited the latter a olio of the greatest bonnB to th Representative Frank Hootbi Pinellas, declared bo was shocked at the nil Undo taken by Kntzmlnger and Mathews on tho proposition tn appropriate funds to fight the fly. Representatives Kntzmlnger and Andri ws.

Union, cast tile only dls-colli ing Voles. Khiiitlv after accepting the fruit fly relief bill, the house adopted, to 2, a senate bill creating a stale marketing board, and to appropriate for expenses of Hie board, to be composed of the governor, commissioner of ngrlcul. lure and state marketing commissioner. Iu working for betterment of conditions In regard to Florida Pay Bill Passes. A bill providing for the pay of the plslalure and attaches wa passed without opposition.

Provision (hat bonds of all em ployes or fiduciary Institutions should be written only on a farm approved by slale officials was made in a lilll passed. The house look up the now ad ministration tax distribution plan, with Representative Stuart OUHs, Walton County, takln tho Door to explain a substitute schedule which i he propones. Present Plan Best. (iillis declared that the present administration plan for dlstrlbu. Hon of gasoline tax revenue was far superior to the first scheme, bat maintained that his proposed substitute was more equitable.

His schedule would establish at first a four-cenl tax on gasoline, two cents lo go to Hie state road depart, mi nt, one cent to be divided equally between counties, and the last cent to lie apportioned among; count les as It is paid In. (iillis sulci that In event of adoption of his substitute, lie would Immediately offer in bill to provide a fifth cent of tax for school purposes. The proponent of the new aub stltute cited figures to show how counties would reap additional advantages under bis plan over thosa Ibey would gain tho admin isl ration plan. The house adjourned at. 1 o'clock until 3 o'clock for further consid eration of the GIUIs plan.

Devney to Succeed President Bcrnef' NKW YORK. May 24 (Jf) Elcc Hon of Charles K. Denncy to tha presidency of the Erie Railroad In, succession to J. J. Rernet, who la becoming president of the Chesapeake Ohio, was announced today.

Mr. Denr.ey. formerly an associate of Mr. Bernet on the New York Central, became a vice-president of the Erie In November, 1927, afld Is now In chnrge of operations. He takes his new position on June first.

Robert Woodruff will succeed Mr. Denney as a vice-president. In an attempt to avoid liazcrs during the annual pajama rush lictwccn (rcslitnen and snplio-mores, William arricr, above, freshman at Rutgers College, New lirunswick, N. was drowned in the Delaware and Karitan Canal when lie dived into the canal to escape a barrage of rotten 1 lolernKllunai Ntwir.l) SHOW DANGER-' OF KEEPING I FLY EXHIBIT! Display Kept in Non-Infested Section Would Cause Quarantine of Large Area. ownership of a thrifty family ill'- 111 fruit flies i lie ob-r rved iirou pi may be a un til 1 pei ual pride and oiijnv-1111 nl bitl il Is al- 1 a per-- il' liability b.

1 of the '11-ally by l.w Ml' It essien. M.ilih. is el' the forces of the state plant hoard of the plant iiuarau-t in icnirol administration of Vie Vult' -I 1 1 li' i'ai'lmiTil 'if Asri 1 been ex- ti I I F-veral thus 1 -1 1 1 1 la -i of live fly exliil The In each ca have he cctilisi and pcncrally witli full approval of the owners after they uml' 1'slo tile penalty for 1 inn 1 sui ami the asi. 11 for I he repiilatlnn. Kvery Instanc far repm ted is said In have been simply an uiiinteu-1 it'll a I violation 1 ignorance i Ih" pel.

ally incai ri .1 and of the daupi run throitpti ca roles i Hin li exhiliils. Theretore no pro-i eutirns have to lie in instituted ayain-l the oifenih'ls disc, vi'led. title quite 1 lderly peitlb man wa'i found lo have created an Int.resl-inp exhibit from wbiili his small Tauili Midi-en were denvlnp much plea. lire. A piece of info --led prapefruit pe 1 placed in a bottle had increased In .1 lively 1 xhiliil of flics, larvae and papa" all williin the bottle.

When It was explained to him lev easily I lie children r.ilphl accidentally prcad the fly lule i ia4 it In t-iinw In invi-ciis pliiyiuute.i at a distance, and penally lor Ii po cssi'-n was exp'aiind. he plmUy 1 1 1 i led pels. In this invtanc" Ihe flies in captivity were in zone 1, an Infested zone, ir that bad not been the case, Inspectors would have been r.iiiilred. und. the law, to declare this an iufistation with the result that the propel ty of thy owner and of hi ueinhbi ror a distance of a mile in ev.

ry direction, would have 'en ii 'dared an infested zone, thus beeouiinp subject tn all the restrictions put upon zone 1 properties by buili state and federal aul linril n's. Si feared was Mediterranean fly that prior tn its Invasion of Florida cntomolepi.t.s in the I'uiled Stat were not allowed to experiment with it In this ceuntry. Studies of it therefore had to be made at points in Infested conn-tri: abroad or i i Hawaii. Possession of flies, larvae cr pupae Is under the lun in and entails a pos-ible luavy fine. Transportation if Mediterranean fruit flies In any Mape of development and for any purpose Is prohibited under provision of act of S'i March 3, 1 005 (M Stat.

The reason is the (Continued on page Thirteen.).

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.