Hi, everyone! 2024 was an exciting year here at Axiom.ai and we are very proud of what we have released and what we have planned for 2025. We are going to begin with a 2024 recap, but if you are just interested in our future plans, skip ahead to What's next.
# What we were up to last year
We concentrated on implementing user requested features and improving the overall quality of the extension, and our documentation. We are delighted to have launched our improved documentation, our Reddit (opens new window) community and general improvements throughout the tool!
This recap is some of our best new features and improvements, but the full list of features and improvements is much more than would fit in this post! Review our Release Notes for a full list of changes.
# Bot detection bypass
We have all been there - you make the perfect automation and then you get hit with a Cloudflare verification screen that blocks progress once you hit the "Run" button. We wanted our users to get around this so we launched the Bypass Bot Detection option within your automation settings - this will automatically handle the "verify you are human" prompt that sites protected by Cloudflare display. This feature has been loved by our users and allows your automations to be run on sites that employ Cloudflare to prevent bot activity.
Learn more: Bot blocking
# Snippets and templates
Axiom.ai 4.0 brought along the introduction of Snippets which allows you to get started even faster with common design patterns, such as scraping data and writing it to a Google Sheet - a common feature that we know people love to use Axiom.ai for. You'll find Snippets in the Step Finder.
How can we go one step further, what would really help people get started? Guided Templates. We launched our Guided Templates that allow you to to quickly build an automation for some popular services, such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Gmail. These templates will walk you through the entire set up process and teach you how the automation works - you can also build off these templates to build additional features into your automations.
# Local storage, cookies and proxies
To make it easier to allow the automation to run on websites as if you were running it yourself, we added the ability to store your local storage and cookies within your automations. This can be super helpful when it comes to bringing your authentication sessions into your automations. Our users find this very helpful when managing social media accounts, but this can also be useful for managing general settings within a website.
Learn more: Learn how to store cookies and local storage
We launched proxy support in 4.2, allowing you to bring along your own proxy and run your automations through it rather than our IP addresses. This was a very popular feature and allowed users to do even more with their automations, like getting around geo-restrictions and organisational VPNs. We added the option to add basic authentication in 4.3, which allowed for the use of more secure proxies.
Learn more: Learn how to use a proxy
# Step management
Improving step management was on our agenda for 2024 and we made some changes and improvements to the overall experience that we are happy to have released. We made a bunch of updates to the Step Finder to allow you to more easily find and add steps to your automations.
We received feedback regarding moving, copying and removing steps from within the Builder itself. We made some changes to the Builder to make this options more accessible and easier to use.
Nested steps launched with Axiom.ai 4.0, and has become an invaluable feature of the Builder. When combined with other steps launched this year, including the Loop through data, If/else, Try/catch steps, nesting can be really useful for managing the structure of your automation.
# Other improvements
Here are some of the other improvements we made, this list is not a full list of improvements, just a small summary!
Power users! We hear you - we launched Keyboard Shortcuts just for you.
AI aficionados! We launched something for you, too - we launched GPT 4 support (spoiler: we are updating this in 2025).
We added the ability to set your maximum runtime, send run notifications to multiple email addresses and improvements to the instructions of most steps to make it even easier.
# What's next
We have lots of exciting updates planned for 2025, some we can share, some you'll have to wait and see for yourself! Our main focus is providing a framework that you can use to scale up your automations. Axiom Cloud 2.0 will bring more concurrency, more customisation, and more control. Let's dive into some of the features we expect to bring to Axiom Cloud 2.0.
Note: not all features may launch when Axiom Cloud 2.0 launches, features may change or be removed from our roadmap. Certain features may be tied to certain subscription tiers. Launch date is to be decided at a later date.
# Concurrency
We know that concurrently can sometimes be a limiting factor when it comes to running your automations, so we want to remove that barrier and allow for the scaling up of your operations with Axiom.ai. We are aiming to offer a 10X improvement over the current number of bots that you can run concurrently in-browser, and even more when your automation is run headless. Concurrency for desktop runs will also be included for users with powerful computers, or when running on a server.
# Code
We love no-code and how simply it is to build really effective automations by dropping in steps. However, there are times when you may need to go beyond no-code - we plan on enabling the transition from no-code to code to give you more flexibility, customisation and control over your automations. Axiom already has great features for running your JavaScript in your automations, we hope to enable the next step. We'll continue to support Puppeteer and JavaScript, but hope to offer support for other frameworks and libraries - we will have more to share at a later date!
# Proxies and bot detection bypass
We launched proxy support in 2024 and promised more - we plan on bringing native proxy support to Axiom Cloud 2.0, allowing subscribers to quickly get started with a proxy rather than needing to set up a third-party proxy. We also plan on releasing proxy rotation options within your automation.
Our bot detection bypass was a big hit last year. The main feedback we received when we launched was: "Why doesn't it work on the cloud?". Good question - we hope to fix that this year with the launch of bot detection bypass for the cloud.
# Data management
Google Sheets is a fantastic tool that we integrate with to allow you to read and store your data, but we are aware that there are some limitations to this - including Google's habit of revoking the access token when you use it too often. Google Sheets will remain a great option for most automations but we recognise that there is sometimes a need for a more scalable solution. While we can not go into the details just yet, we plan on integrating with additional database services to give you more options and scalability when considering where to store your data. This will allow you to truly manage your data at scale when running your automations without the limitations of Google Sheets.
Do you have a tool that you use to store your data that you'd love to see Axiom.ai work with? Let us know (opens new window).
# Community and content
We believe our Reddit (opens new window) community has already grown into a great resource hub for support and sharing ideas - we hope to continue to expand this community to bring our users together to share ideas and help one another. We've already seen over 100 users join since the community was created! Come join us over there, we look forward to hearing from you.
There are so many different ways that you can use Axiom.ai, including with third-party tools to extend the functionality of your automations. We hope to develop new content that'll help you get started quicker with implementing new tools into your workflow. You can see our current guides that we have worked on in our guides.
# Wrapping up
We are delighted with the warm reception that we received when we launched our new features and improvements and hope to continue releasing updates that delight you all. We wouldn't be able to do this without your feedback and ideas - thank you! We are very excited about this year and hope to have you along for the ride!
If you have any feedback on either of the above points, drop a comment in our Feedback Megathread (opens new window).